Kauakestev invertermootor
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Energiaklass: A
Mahutavus: 8 kg
Konstruktsiooni tüüp: Eraldiseisev
Toote laius: 600 mm
Toote kõrgus: 850 mm
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Convenient, easier life
Kauakestev invertermootor
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Võimas harjadeta ja kaasaegse elektroonikaga mootor on ülimalt tõhus ning puhastab paremini, säästab energiat ja tekitab vähem müra.
Drum Clean trumlipesufunktsioon
Kindlustab alati värsked rõivad.
Drum Cleani trumlipesufunktsiooniga saate trumlit rohkema vee, kõrgema temperatuuri ja kiirema pöörlemise abil puhastada, et pesutulemus oleks tõeliselt suurepärane. See hoiab teie pesumasina parimas vormis ning teie rõivad alati värskena.
Quick Wash
Convenient, easier life
The Quick Wash program dramatically shortens your waiting time and is ideal for small lightly worn laundry. Wash up to 1 kg of laundry in just 15 minutes; that's about the same time you need to take shower or make breakfast.
Pure Jet
Powerful flow for efficient washing
Special Pure Jet wash system developed by Hisense produces a powerful jet of water that dissolves laundry detergent quickly and removes dirt from clothes, giving your clothes a more thorough clean.
Smart Wifi
Control your washing machine via mobile phone
This Hisense appliance works with ConnectLife app, allowing you to choose washing programs and check status remotely by your smartphone or tablet. Your washer just got smarter since it also monitors appliance itself and sends you the instant notifications and possible error code in time.
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